Friday, October 29, 2010

Patiently Waiting

"Daddy coming home time" is what Bella says as she looks out of our front window. I usually tell her that he's on his way home after he calls to tell me that. Then, we wait patiently by the window until she sees his truck turning in the drive way. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, it is what we do. It really is a precious moment. She's soooo excited about getting to see her daddy. Throughout the day, when she hears a loud truck pass on the road, she runs to the window and says "It's daddy." I then have to tell her that it's not time for daddy to come home yet. She's ok with it. She hasn't pitched a fit over it yet. She continues playing and waiting until the next loud truck passes by. No matter what, though, she's excited when he comes home, and she squeals with delight as he walks by the window where she has been so patiently waiting to see him.

I want her relationship with Jesus to be like that. Not disappointed that He's not here yet, but patiently waiting, looking forward to the moment when she'll get to see His face. I want my relationship with Jesus to be like that, too.

She talks about Jesus a lot for a 2 year old. It's really neat. She's a worshiper at heart...hmmm...wonder where that came from. We never encouraged her to raise her hands during a worship song. One night at a chi alpha service, she did it on her own. She wasn't even 1 yet. Now, she has a mermaid barbie doll toy from McDonald's that is a tub toy, and just the other night I heard her say "Praise Jesus" as she was putting the doll's stiff arms above its head. It's in her. I'm so happy for that. I don't want to force her into a relationship with Jesus...I want her to love Him on her own. But I will have to do my best to introduce her to the One who loves her more than I do. I want to give her as many opportunities to see Him through me...and man, sometimes I fail miserably at that! I want to strive to be more like Him for her and Brennan!

Just like she's at the window patiently waiting to see the one that she loves, I am right there too.

1 comment:

  1. hey bri! beautifully written.
    i love reading your stories of family life and what bella is up to lately.
    and the way she waits on her daddy is such a wonderful example for all of us.
    keep blogging! i love reading about you guys!
