Saturday, May 25, 2013

"All Things Work Together..."

I've been thinking about the Scripture verse Romans 8:28...

I've had it memorized for years. I often quote it to myself in good times and in bad...

"All things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose..."

There has been a lot going on in our lives...and this Scripture has been in the front of my mind...coming up when I have a quiet moment...literally just a moment...but it comes up again and again.

When thinking about this...I know it doesn't mean that everything will be easy.

I know my dad is doing well, but it is not easy being so far from them right now. I'd love to go for a quick visit. But flying to New Orleans by myself isn't exactly worth it for just a quick few day trip...and I don't want to go down for longer right now because I want him to get rest and recover without added stress from me and the kids being there.

And Lee's part-time job is going super well. He has great relationships with his coworkers, which is awesome...he loves what he's's awesome. But we are having to make some decisions on

I think I often mistake God working things together for my "good" as "It should be easy..."

And life is not always easy.

Lee and I still have disagreements in our marriage...

Loved ones have graduations and celebrations that we cannot attend...

Hours are spent doing things we may not want to do but have to be done...

It is not easy...but it is going to be ok.

My dad is getting older. He has crazy health problems that he is getting taken care of...but I'm realizing more and more just how fragile life is... I never know when we will go to meet Jesus in person.

Often he will tell me, "Bri, if I died today, I will have died a happy man. I've lived a full life." And although I don't want to hear him say that, I know he means it.

But really, I want him to live so much longer. I want him to take my kids fishing...I want my kids to spend weeks at a time enjoying the land and life in Buras.

But, because of my dad's legacy...I know that no matter what happens, God is working on our behalf. He is allowing things to happen which will work out for our good.

I cannot explain the peace that I have right now.

Even when I cannot see it, I know that God is working on my behalf.

And I want to become more like Him in the events of each day...He loves me too much to let me stay the same.

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Phone Call or a FaceTime Away...

I am feeling very blessed lately...

I am feeling God's favor and abundance...

My dad had open heart surgery a little over a week ago to remove some blockages that were found. He is doing great...He had a hard time sleeping in the hospital...but now he's home, and he's doing so much better. Much better!! He really is recovering well.

I am so thankful for all of the love and support that has been shown to my family during this time. It was a wonderful feeling knowing we have been (and will continue to be) covered by others' prayers.

It was hard being so far from them, but I know it would have caused more stress for me to be there. It would have been hard with the kids. My dad would have wanted to see us all, but that would have been hard on him. And it would have been CRAZY with us in their house when they got home.

And I'm so thankful for the Apple products we have...we were able to FaceTime my dad using my sister's iPad while he was in the hospital...which was much easier for him to hold and see us on than a small phone or a laptop...

We've been able to FaceTime a lot...which is's so good to SEE and HEAR him laugh! :)

I love my dad. He's a wonderful man of God who has worked hard to give us such a legacy...

My dad has read a chapter of Proverbs in the Bible every day for as long as I can remember. Literally.

Any time I ask for advice from him, there is a Proverbs involved in it.

So it is fitting today to read Proverbs chapter 17...
And verse 6 says, "Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children." 
This is so true of my dad!!

I am blessed with wonderful parents who did their best to shape me in to the woman God created me to be...and then released me to respond to the call of God on my life.

It is hard being so far from Louisiana...but I am thankful to know that I have their love and support across the miles...

And I'm also thankful that they are just a FaceTime away...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Tired Mommy

I feel like I'm just dragging.

Just can't seem to keep up with anything.

Laundry is piling up - clean and dirty piles alike!!

The sink never seems empty...

And at times it feels very overwhelming.

I keep reminding myself that this is just a season...but sometimes it is hard to remember to remind myself that!

I remember seeing one of my friends with 4 little ones use the hashtag #sleepdeprived...and now I am definitely right there with her. I am definitely feeling sleep deprived!!

It is hard to make sound decisions when I am lacking sleep.

It is hard for me to keep a positive attitude when I am lacking sleep.

It is hard for me to have patience with anyone - even my kids - when I am lacking sleep.

So, how do I fix that? I cannot just take a nap whenever I want to...There's not a time to "sleep when the baby sleeps" right now...

So, I have to spend time in prayer...and this may just be a brief moment!! There is power in spending a moment with God...He knows the value of my time, and I know He appreciates my recognition of Him...and my need for Him to be with me!!

I try journal when I can. If Breelee is asleep, I'm usually able to do this...even if it means getting paper and pens for the older two to write along with me...
birthday party fun!!
Turning music on in our house helps too. It can definitely change the atmosphere...and my attitude.

I also am trying to take a deep breath before I say anything when my kids do something they aren't supposed to. This is not always my first reaction, but I would like for it to become it!!!

I am also trying to enjoy life with my kids. I want them to have good, positive memories of their childhood...

This is just a different, demanding season of life. I know it will go by quickly...and I don't want to spend all my time rushing and wishing for the next season to happen.

I want to enjoy matter how tired I am!!