Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Few Things in Life that I'm Enjoying...

I'm enjoying the weather right now...the days may be a little hot, but the evenings are absolutely perfect. Sometimes I even need a sweater as we sit on the's beautiful. 

I'm enjoy Lee's work schedule. It's wonderful getting to spend time with him when we do. 

I'm enjoying my Nike Fuelband. Lee & I both have one...we got them for our birthdays. We each have our own "fuel points" goals, and we are working towards meeting those every day. My goal stretches me...I have to do something extra to hit it...It's a great common interest for us...we are able to keep each other motivated as we work towards meeting our fitness goals. I am working towards having a 3 day streak!!

I'm enjoying my new Pampered Chef products. I am happy to be a new Pampered Chef Independent Consultant...and I am having a blast setting up shows on Facebook and in homes. 

I hosted my first party at my house last night. We had a salsa making contest using my new products. It was sooooo fun!!! I am looking forward to getting more comfortable with the process. Next week, I have a "Date Night" cooking show scheduled with a friend from college who lives here in Colorado...and we'll have the salsa making contest again!!! So fun!

I'm enjoying my kids. It is a demanding season, but our home is full of noise (sometimes good...sometimes not so good...), love, and laughter. Yes, there are many messes...and sometimes I feel trapped in the monotony of day to day things...but I know I will look back, and life will never be like it was when I had 3 little ones at home. 
(From when I began writing this post, Breelee pulled up on the couch...and not long after I picked her up, she fell asleep on me. These are sweet moments that don't last forever!)

I'm enjoying my church. Connection Church is a wonderful place that connects people with God and with each other. Megan, a young lady who has been coming to our church recently told me, "I've found nothing that can compare to the genuineness of what's happening in that auditorium." That's so awesome! And I get to be a part of that!! It really is a beautiful thing. 

What are some things that you are enjoying right now?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Days Are Long but the Years Are Short's been a different season of life for me. 

I have been here in this season before, but it looks different with 3 kids. 

Somedays I feel like I haven't had 5 minutes pass without the little people touching me!

Breelee doesn't want me to be out of her sight. Sometimes I have to be within her reach for her to be happy. 

Lee & I went on a date while his parents were here for a visit. She didn't last too long with them...they said she was even saying "Mama" while we were gone. They said she knew who she wanted. 

And I know that this won't last forever...but it does make the days seem extra long. 

Either I'm holding her and not accomplishing anything else in my messy house...or I'm switching laundry over or loading the dishwasher with a crying baby who has crawled to find me and is pulling at my legs. 

The days are long but the years are short...

It wasn't too long ago that Bella and Brennan went through that stage. Sometimes it is even hard to remember it. 

Lee & I watched a video of Bella at about 2 years old...where Brennan is now... and it is crazy to hear her talk...her sweet little voice...and before I know it...Brennan will be talking even clearer than he is now. 

Just a few months ago, he kept asking for what we thought was "Hungry Hippos..." only to find out that it was actually "Super Heroes" which he can say very clearly now. 

The days are long but the years are short...

I've said it before, and I mean it...I don't want to rush to the next stage of life. I know it will have its own set of challenges and demands...

But I want to enjoy this one. And I believe God has given me grace to do so. 

I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to my house...some days I wish I was...but I've been told by my OCD friends that I should be happy that I'm not. I can enjoy time with my kids in my messy house. And really, before I know it...I will have all the time in the world to clean it. But I won't have these days with my babies again...3 kids under the age of 5...

I have heard too many moms of older kids say that they miss the days when their kiddos were little. I've heard women who have complications having kids say that they would trade my noisy, messy house for their quiet, clean house any day...

So I choose to embrace this season, no matter what the days may bring...because afterall...

The days are long but the years are short...