I've written several blogs on the topic of Marriage Maintenance...and about marriage in general.
It's something that I'm passionate about...taking care of my marriage before it ever gets to the point of being in trouble.
I am blessed to be married to a wonderful, passionate man of God who loves me and loves our family. I don't ever want to take this for granted.
I believe that any good marriage takes work...a lot of work...and here are some of my insights on how we are working to keep our marriage healthy. I am not a professional counselor, but I do believe that God has blessed us with a great foundation that we want to share with others.
To read more, here are the blog posts I've written about marriage...you can click on each one to read more.
Maintaining Our Marriage
Marriage Maintenance - Communication
Marriage Maintenance - Communication II
Marriage Maintenance - Friends Again
Marriage Maintenance - Fighting Fair
He Deserves More Than My Silence
Confident - Not Insecure
I Want a Marriage Like That
My Role
Marriage Maintenance - A Foundation of Trust

Whew. I am so upset that I came by this post just 15 minutes before I have to leave the house. I will be reading these as soon as I get home, I love reading about marriage. I have been married for almost 8 years but you can never know enough. Marriage is also something I am passionate about, I was called to it at a very young age. Can't wait to read more.