All it takes is a decision and action! :)
As we get to the end of 2014, it is a huge time of reflection for me! I've done this since I was a teenager. It's great to look back and see where I've been and plan and dream about where I am going.
2014 has been a...year. I'm struggling with finding the right adjective to describe it.
There were some really good, amazing, incredible things that happened...beautiful moments...but then there were some hard, dark, harsh moments too.
Most people may not be aware of the dark moments that our family faced. And that is ok. Even though we live in an age of social media, where everyone is connected, but these moments were hard to describe. Every once in a while we might have asked for prayer or said we were having a hard time, but it wasn't a picture of the daily struggles we were facing.
Lee was in a serious season of deep depression. Each day...each moment...was a struggle. I felt as if we had been robbed of our joy, and no matter what we did or what we prayed, we couldn't get it back.
I knew it was bad...but often, I don't think I realized it was as bad as it was.
We lived in survival mode. Just barely making it from one day to the next.

I hadn't seen Lee that genuinely happy in a very long time. He was alive. He was himself. He was the man I had married. After that Sunday, I just kept crying as I thought about the glimpse of my husband I had seen. I missed him.
That was one of the hardest seasons we have been through together.
I personally went through a time of depression after we lost everything in our Uhaul fire and Hurricane Katrina demolished my hometown. And Lee was super supportive as we survived that time, even dealing with his own emotions and grief.
This time around...3 little babies at home all was extra difficult.
I'm thankful for the grace of God. I'm thankful that He walked us through that season. And I'm happy to say that it is over!

We are stronger because of the struggles we walk through together. And we can appreciate where we are now because of where we have been.
Looking forward to 2015!!
Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
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