I'm thankful for what we have. I know that we are blessed beyond measure. Really we are.
All of our needs are met. We have never gone without...
But, just like everyone else...there are a few things that I'd really love to have that don't qualify in the "I need" department.
I'm not in a rush to get these things...but someday, when I've saved up for them...I'm going to splurge!!! What a fun shopping rush that will be for me!!!!
Our current bedspread is 10+ years old. We've had it since a little before we were married. It's the perfect weight, and it's super comfy, but it's looking pretty dingy. So, when I've saved enough, I'm going to get one at Anthropologie! I, of course, already have one picked out!
2.) a neat receipts scanner
This will make my life easier. I know it. I will be able to scan all of our receipts and keep all of our tax records in order throughout the year instead of just when I'm working on our taxes. Honestly, this may come before the bedspread. I reeeealllllyyyyy want one of these things!!
We haven't really been on a true family vacation since Bella was about 18 months old...and she's almost 5. We've been able to visit family and have fun with them...but I want our family to go to Disney World or the beach...experience sand...and have wonderful memories.
I'm thankful that we are debt-free...(I've written about being Better Money Managers) and we will continue to be. There's something about delayed gratification...experiencing it with no regrets...no remorse...no having to pay for it later. It may take us a little while (or a long while) to save up for these things, but it will be completely worth it!!!
I want to go back to Disney World so bad it's killing me! We're trying to go as a family NEXT spring. Got to start saving now! But I know it will be worth when we get to the Magic Kingdom. =)