So my question is, do you have a mold that you feel like you are supposed to fit in as a woman? For you guys reading this, do you have a mold that you expect the women in your life to fit?
It's something to ponder.

I'm not going to lie...I used to judge. When I was single...before I had kids...after I had kids. Then I came to the realization that what's right for me is not the same for every woman. There's no one way for a woman to live in today's society. Staying at home vs. working outside of the home. I can't say which one is right for you. But I can say this, I don't think there is a woman who can be wrong because she has to do what is right for her.
This has been extremely freeing for me. I no longer want to compare myself to how other women are living their lives because I'm doing what is right for me. There is freedom there! This is between me and God...and Lee, too. He supports me in this, which is huge.
Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God - what is good and well-pleasing and perfect."
This is what God has been doing to me...transforming my mind. Changing the way that I'm thinking. And He's letting me know that this is His will for me...for me...that's just absolutely beautiful. And freeing. I don't feel like I have to compare myself to the other women in Chi Alpha, in ministry, in the world. I'm doing what is right for me. And I'm happy with that.
What a wonderful place to be...
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