Since we were at home a lot when the kids were sick, it's been nice getting out again. And the kids have been cooperating well. We've been able to go out to eat. We were able to walk around the mall until Bella found the Build-A-Bear store...then that is where the fit came in. She didn't want an animal, she just wanted to walk around the store over and over and over.
Last night we went to the Festival International de Louisiane. It's the largest festival in Lafayette...and it's free. There are musicians from around the world who come here...and to listen to the music is completely free!! It's an awesome weekend of entertainment. We met at the cafe to walk over with our international students, American students, staff, interns, and even a few Chi Alpha staff and students from LSU. Once we were there, we all went different ways to enjoy the variety of music performances.
First we watched a Native American/Indian group perform Peruvian music. It was so peaceful. Lee was really enjoying that...but Bella heard a Brass Band and almost climbed up Lee's shoulders to try to see it. So, we walked over to hear them performing right in the middle of the street. She loved it. I think she could have stayed there all night. She's fascinating with marching bands. There was another little 2 year old boy who was just as fascinated and did not want to leave. It was a captivating performance.
We walked to the Scene Popeye stage, and we heard this Latin band performing. Bella danced with her daddy and her Chi Alpha friends...and she was worn out! She leaned back in the stroller on our walk back to the cafe...I thought she'd fall asleep even with all the noise! But she perked up again as we passed the last stage and a West African band was performing. We were ready to leave, but I think she would have been able to stay all night listening to the performers. That's just awesome.
I'm so happy that she loves music. She's fascinated with it. I'm thrilled that she's being exposed to so many different styles...and the cultural experience is amazing too!!! It's going to be a part of her life. And it's not just once a year at Festival...she gets to experience this during the school year with us at Chi Alpha.
*Also, I got stopped by several people for my ring sling. I carried Brennan in it the whole time, and he never complained, and I was handsfree. I'll have to get a picture of him in it...but until then, this is what it looked like and the website from where I got it is