It's also tough being a mom and then having to do different jobs too...
I'm fortunate that I get to stay at home with all 3 of my kiddos. I don't have to work outside of the home, and really, I don't have to have an outside job that I do from home...although I am alway trying to find one that fits me!! (I'd love to make some extra money - and home-based businesses aren't on my radar right now!!!)
But, THE reason we moved to Colorado is to work for Connection Church. And we love it. It is our church.
And I've been able to be involved in being a part of the ministry. Either singing on the worship team, running the media, or teaching kids church...I'm doing something every Sunday, and I love it!
But, it's been a little difficult with a newborn. We have a young lady who works for us on Sundays...and my kids absolutely adore her...but now with Breelee, it's a challenge for me. I have to nurse her extra early before I leave the house and get the kids ready (all with major hopes that she doesn't poop or spit up on everything)...and then she's usually asleep when we get to the church...but it means that at some point before or during service, I'm going to have to nurse her again.
This past Sunday, she woke up screaming...we were about to rehearse the song I was leading, and Breelee was just ready to nurse. Our rehearsal time is very limited because we have to set up everything before practicing...and then we have a short meeting before service begins...but I still had to get off stage to go nurse a baby while the worship team continued practicing. (yeah, that was a little awkward!) It's just a challenge.
And it would be easier if Breelee took a bottle, but she doesn't. She gags and screams. And I don't feel like it is someone else's responsibility to soothe my screaming child when she's hungry and I'm the only one who can do something about it.
It's also a challenge to teach kids church for the same some point I know I'm going to have to nurse my baby.

But right now they are not...and I want to enjoy this season. I want to embrace it for all of its glorious moments and its challenges. I do not want to spend this time frustrated or stressed out.
I'm a part of a great group of people at Connection Church. The nursery workers love snuggling Breelee, and they've told me that she usually falls asleep almost as soon as she hears the worship team start playing. That's so awesome...and it's wonderful that there I have amazing people there to take care of my babies.
It honestly feels weird at times knowing that I almost have to let her go. I can't take her in kids church with me. I can't have her on stage with me. And although I can have her with me when I run presentation, she has to be asleep for that...and there are no it is just a part of it to leave her in the care of someone else...just for a little while.
It can be difficult wearing 2 hats at once...
What are some times when you feel like you are doing 2 jobs at once? How do you handle it?