Such a good movie...such a fun time...
And even that movie ties so closely to what we are doing now.
One of the lines that Merida says has to do with "writing a better story" for herself. Living life not just to please others. Doing what she was meant to do. Being who she was created to be.
That's what Lee & I are doing. We are writing a story worth telling.
It's not that we weren't making a difference in Lafayette. It's not that we were leaving there because we hated it...we didn't...we love the city and the people...the university and the students...the amazing church that we were a part of...the fact that we were close to family and friends.
But God has asked us to do something different. To use the gifts and talents that He's given us to reach a group of people who don't think that they need a relationship with God...
And this is a hurting metro area. The shooting in the Aurora movie theater happened about 45 minutes away from our house...but Columbine is much closer...and those people are having to re-live the tragedy that they faced over a decade ago.
These people need Jesus. And we are here to share with them that they can have an attractive, authentic, healthy relationship with Jesus Christ.
So, again, God can use anything to encourage us...to ensure us that we are on the right path. And "Brave" did that for us yesterday.
I'm in awe of all of God's blessings. I'm amazed at the relationships that He is providing for us. I'm blown away by the opportunities to minister already...and our church will begin in a little over a month. It's an exciting time!!!!!!!
There is so much to be done. We would appreciate your prayers. There is just so much to be done! We are part of a very organized team with an efficient timeline. But we know that the enemy of our souls does not want this to happen smoothly or effectively. There are people who are moving here (even today) to specifically be a part of this team. This is huge!!!!!! We know that greater is the God inside of us than the enemy who is in the world. Thanks for agreeing with us in prayer!!!!!!!
We will keep you updated on all that is going on...Just as much as we are here, you have a part of this with your prayers (and financial support for those who have been able to continue to support us)!!!!!
Knowing that God is with us and you are behind us...that has made us "Brave!"