Highlights of Baby Blakney #3

I would love to write the detailed story of Breelee Claire Blakney's entrance into the world, but honestly, so much has happened in the past 6 days of her life...I feel like in journaling when I haven't written for a long time and I try to play catch up...it's almost overwhelming...
So, I'm just going to write a few highlights and work on the story as I can...
1. My contractions started around 6:30 am on Thursday, November 1st...NOT Halloween...and I delivered her at 2:07 pm on Thursday, November 1st.
I am so thankful that it was a faster process than the last 2 times, but my word...it hurt.
2. I was able to deliver naturally...no medicine...no epidural. Oh my word it hurt...I screamed a whole lot more this time than I did in the last 2 deliveries combined. Lee had to help hold one of my legs while the nurse held the other. He did such a great job. He was a constant encourager and comforted me just enough during the whole process.
3. Breelee weighed 8 lbs and 8 oz and was 21 inches long. They let me hold her for a
very long time before they took her over to take her measurements...and then they brought her right back. Her skin was so soft and smooth...she's perfect...and we decided her middle name at the hospital...

4. We have wonderful friends who took care of our kids. It was such a relief knowing that they were ok...they were happy and comfortable. Lara came over early Thursday to stay with Brennan while Bella was at school...and then she and Renee stayed with them that night...and Renee stayed with them at Shawn & Amy's on Friday night. It was so comforting knowing they were ok!!!
Lara and Amy brought Bella & Brennan to see Breelee at the hospital on Thursday (and they brought me & Lee Five Guys!!) The first thing both kids asked me was, "Mom, are you ok?" It was the exact time that Breelee came back to us from the initial nursery check in. Bella was interested for a few seconds...but Brennan was in love.
In Love. He sat on my lap and said, "Mom, I want her..." and while I was helping him hold her, he put his hand on mine and said, "No, Mom, I want her..." Shawn & Amy brought them back on Friday, and they were just as thrilled...I'm sooo glad that my babies love each other!!!

5. My recovery was amazing. Girls, if you can go natural...do it!! I was up and walking around our hospital room within hours. (You cannot do that with an epidural...) We had a wonderful nurse, Emily, who got us all set up and spent a lot of time with us. I just felt alert...I was a little sore, but considering what I had just gone through...it was nothing! I just felt great...and I still feel great!
6. Our parenting confidence levels are out of the roof!!! Lee & I were so cool, calm, and collected. The experience of being parents of 2 has let us know that everything is going to be ok. Of course there have been a few new things with this little one, but we know that it's all going to be ok. Breelee nursed well, but not consistently. This drove me crazy with Bella...even with Brennan...but now I know that she's going to eat when she's ready...and if she's pooping and peeing...she's good! By the way...Lee changed her first poop diaper - just like he did for the other 2! He's such a great dad!!!!
7. We were able to share our story with nurses and doctors...and we feel really blessed with the doctors we have found here. They've been wonderful to us. We brought Breelee in for a routine 3 day check up. She is doing great...and there were a few concerns about mucus and gas (she's screamed for an hour every night - even in the hospital)...but the doctor put us at ease. That's priceless.
8. Lee's parents surprised us and flew in on Saturday and were here not long after we got home from the hospital. They were able to play with Bella and Brennan...hold Breelee...and Bro. Rob was able to help Lee with our new dining table project (which I will be posting about soon!) It was a great help and relief to have them here!
And thanks to technology, I was able to talk to my parents soon after the baby was born...plus we'll be able to FaceTime and Skype and keep up with us!!

9. Lee & I are referring to ourselves as Team Blakney and we are the Fantastic 5...we feel like we really are. We feel like we are blessed...we are going to have a blast raising 3 great kids to love and serve God. We know that we are going to have our challenges, but we also know that God has given us grace and responsibility to be a family of 5.
10. God has blessed us with another happy, healthy baby. She's beautiful. She's already gained 6 oz since she left the hospital. She sleeps a lot...she is nursing well...and after using the gas drops before every feeding, she had a wonderful night without crying...which means we all had a great night.
Go Team Blakney!!! Thanks for keeping up with the Fantastic Five!!!