I know that this is a simple concept, but I just have remind myself of this. It's a new day. The Bible says that God has new mercies for us every day. So, today, there are new mercies for me. I may have been a jerk yesterday, but today is different. I don't have to live in regret of yesterday. I can ask for forgiveness, and then move on. It's a new day. I don't have to live in guilt of that. I can move on.
I still want to run a 5k. It's not happening as quickly as I would like it to. We haven't looked for a good running area around our house. It's just an excuse. But my new desire is to be able to wear my wedding ring again. My finger is still too big for it. I keep trying it on in hopes that it will fit. I refuse to get it resized because it has been almost too big for me, even before this last pregnancy. I'm ready to wear it. So, this is going to require a change in my diet (less sodium) and also exercise.
The thing about putting this on my blog is that it leaves me open to accountability...other people see it. I can say I'm going to do these things, but once they are written down, there is a better chance of it happening. It's been 5 months now since Brennan entered the outside world...it's time for me to get back into my pre-preggo clothes and beyond.
The first time I really lost a lot of weight - really it was a lot of inches - happened after college. I was a size 12 when I graduated from college. I wasn't complaining...I didn't really care, but I had gained weight during college. That's a whole different story. When I was teaching at the middle school, I started going to a yoga/pilates class twice a week at the YMCA in Buras. I started eating salads at lunch. I lost inches! The realization came to me at the Louisiana Assemblies of God Youth Convention...It was when the mall was rented out and open only for convention students from 10 pm - midnight or something like that. Anyways, I was in the GAP t

That was such a good moment for me. I want to have that feeling again. I know that I can get there; it's just going to take me a little more time. I'm almost 10 years older and have had 2 kids. that's a big difference!! But, I am ready for the challenge. I'm ready for that good feeling once again...wearing my wedding ring and fitting into a smaller size. Ok, pilates video, here we go!!!